
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Buffalo Chicken Salad

It's been a long time since I've blogged! Not since the end of June... I should feel bad about that. But, I've been busy, busy, busy. All kinds of things happened in July, including John and I getting engaged!

I can't tell you how excited I am about that last bit. It was a wonderful surprise, and I'm thrilled to exchange vows with the man I love, committing ourselves to something bigger.

On to food! I've done some cooking over the past weeks, but not much. Too much summer fun going on around here. John and I have been boating quite a bit. Hard to argue with going out on the boat on a hot summers day.

This recipe - Buffalo Chicken Salad - is one I found and adapted from Pinterest. Who doesn't love Pinterest? I used to laugh at friends who couldn't stop talking about things they discovered on the site (the fools!!), and then, what do you know, I've become just like them! 'Do you see this? Yup, found the idea on Pinterest!' Karma. She always comes back around.

I love me some spicy food. The spicier, the more I tend to like it, too. I'm a glutton for punishment. If you want less spicy salad, use less buffalo sauce. I used Texas Pete's Buffalo Sauce, but I'd also highly recommend Tabasco's Buffalo flavor sauce. Good stuff, either way.

Instead of using just mayonaise, I've substituted half of it for no-fat Greek yogurt. Also added bits of celery and carrots, like you'd get with you chicken wings. (Plus, vegetables are good for you. Sneaky, sneaky.)

Cracked pepper, some green onion, and two cans of pre-cooked white chicken meat. This is actually a fairly lazy recipe. Perfect for hot summer days, when there is so much to do, and the warm weather only lasts so long!

print recipe

Buffalo Chicken Salad
  • 2 big cans chicken (or shredded rotissary chicken, 2 cups, for the less lazy)
  • 1/4 cup buffalo wing sauce (I'd recommend Texas Pete)
  • 2 celery stalks, with leaves, chopped
  • 6 or 7 baby carrots, finely chopped
  • 2 green onions, diced
  • 1 TBS chopped garlic
  • 1/3 cup mayo
  • 1/3 cup low-fat greek yogurt
  • to taste ground pepper
1. Open up the cans. Dump it a big ol' bowl. (Or shred some chicken, for you ambitious people).2. Grind your black pepper over the chicken first. Mix in the garlic, celery, carrots, green onions. Then add the mayo and Greek yogurt. Add as much of these last two as you prefer. 3. Mixy mixy. 4. Place on a bun with slices of homegrown tomatoes and lettuce. If you have blue cheese on hand, add some of that. Sounds awesome. I'd have done it, if I'd had some. Or, place it on top of some lettuce, with fruit on the side. Chill remainder.

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